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We are very proud to present our first book of two in:

"What Could Possibly Go Wrong??"

A romping collection of stories for young readers. ​You can find our book at any of the following online stores.

​​​Available in soft and hardcover as well as e-Book versions. Please leave us a review of the book on any of these online stores. Thank-you!

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Book One of Two:

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?? 

The Misadventures of Lola and Sad Gary

     Go on hilarious adventures with Grace and Walter as they try to keep up to the little goats, Lola and Sad Gary, after bringing them into their home. 
     Inspiration for all of the stories came from real events that happened when orphaned twin goats were taken in by Sharon and Wayne on their farm. Although the stories are fictional, they have real life events intertwined throughout them.

    We hope you'll have many giggles as you go on adventures with Grace, Walter and the Little Goats.




When Walter and Grace brought home two tiny baby goats, they had no idea of the chaos that was entering their house. With baby goats dashing over, under and on top of everything in sight, to them jumping over baby gates and wiggling out of their diapers, to joining in chasing games with Lexie the Dalmatian, life was totally out control and absolutely hilarious!

Our chapter book was written to entertain young readers, and also to give parents and younger children funny read-aloud bedtime stories. With Lola and Sad Gary around, every day is a day of love and laughter!

Excerpt from Chapter. "Those Aren't Raisins!"
The morning alarm went off. Grace sleepily got up and put on her cozy bunny slippers. She headed down to the kitchen to make the twins' breakfast bottles. She knew they'd be waiting for their warm milk. As she walked through the living room, she stepped on what she thought were raisins. They were all over her living room floor. Walter must have a hole in his pocket, Grace thought, as she picked one off the bottom of her slipper. But then - too late- she realized that it wasn't a raisin. It was baby goat poop!


The Teeny Tiny Twins

“Those Aren’t Raisins!”

The Diaper Drama

It’s Time to Move Out

Back to the Drawing Board

The Twins Move In

“Excuse me. . .Have You Seen Sad Gary?”

Getting the Scoop

Going Global

Lola and Sad Gary go to School

New Book Coming Soon! Join the waitlist for more comical misadventures with Lola and Gary in Book Two!

Be the first to know about our next book!

Thanks for your interest!

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